The Role of Horticulture in the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation
The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation contains 16 targets for plant conservation to be met by the year 2010. All 16 are applicable to the work of botanic gardens and at least 8 are relevant to the type of horticulture that is practiced in botanic gardens. This paper argues that the skills of botanical horticulturists are needed if the GSPC is to be successful. It encourages horticulturists in botanic gardens to join with other scientists and practitioners in helping to realise the potential of the GSPC to make a real impact in plant conservation.
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LUSBY, P., DYER, A. & LINDSAY, S. (2003). The role of botanic gardens in species recovery: the Oblong Woodsia as a case study. Sibbaldia, 1, 5-10.
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