Determining the temporal interaction of Camellia cultivar flowering periods and camellia petal blight disease presence in Auckland, New Zealand


  • Emma Bodley Auckland Botanic Gardens
  • Rebecca Stanley Auckland Botanic Gardens



camellia, breeding, research, petal blight, resistance


Botanic gardens hold diverse and valuable living collections that provide a number of research, conservation and education opportunities. Auckland Botanic Gardens (ABG) has an internationally significant collection of species and cultivar camellias that have been used for scientific research into understanding which species are susceptible to camellia petal blight. ABG has surveyed all cultivars and species in its collection over multiple years to identify which camellias are affected by petal blight and which avoid it, based on their flowering period. A total of 363 camellias were assessed for petal blight over 6 years of surveying. It was found that 245 cultivars and 6 species were susceptible to the disease, while 68 cultivars and 32 species did not display any visual symptoms. These are important findings, as enthusiasts and breeders alike may use them to inform their respective interests.


Author Biography

Rebecca Stanley, Auckland Botanic Gardens



AMERICAN CAMELLIA SOCIETY (2020). Camellia petal blight. Available online: (accessed April 2020).

AUCKLAND BOTANIC GARDENS (2020). Plant breeding programmes. Available online: (accessed July 2020).

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DENTON-GILES, M., BRADSHAW, R. & DIJKWEL, P. (2013). Ciborinia camelliae (Sclerotiniaceae) induces variable plant resistance responses in selected species of Camellia. Phytopathology, 103(7): 725–732.

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How to Cite

Bodley, E., & Stanley, R. (2020). Determining the temporal interaction of Camellia cultivar flowering periods and camellia petal blight disease presence in Auckland, New Zealand. Sibbaldia: The International Journal of Botanic Garden Horticulture, (19), 85–96.