Reducing risk to wild ecosystems in nursery production
The Nursery Biosecurity Project at Auckland Botanic Gardens, Aotearoa (New Zealand).
nursery biosecurity, conservation horticulture, pathogensAbstract
The implication of the nursery trade in the historic movement of the pathogen that causes kauri dieback (Phytophthora agathidicida) instigated a review of nursery biosecurity procedures at Auckland Botanic Gardens. The nursery grows 65,000 native plants a year which are planted at restoration sites throughout Auckland. Threatened plants are also grown in the nursery and returned to the wild. The biosecurity project resulted in a manual of protocols, supported by infrastructure upgrades, to enable the nursery to take all practicable steps to ensure there is as little risk as possible to natural ecosystems through nursery practices. This work also demonstrates the important role of botanic gardens in providing education and advocacy for such schemes in all nurseries.
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