Propagation of Cycad Collections from Seed

Applied Reproductive Biology for Conservation


  • Michael Calonje Montgomery Botancal Center
  • Judy Kay Montgomery Botancal Center
  • M. Patrick Griffith Montgomery Botancal Center



Propagation of cycads from seed can aid their conservation as it helps reduce the demand for wildcollected plants. Seed-produced plants can be used for reintroduction programmes if the parent plants are from known provenance and care is taken to avoid hybridisation. This paper discusses the techniques required for successful seed propagation of cycads, including pollen collection, storage, viability testing, manual pollination, seed collection, storage and germination.

Author Biographies

Michael Calonje, Montgomery Botancal Center

Cycad Biologist

M. Patrick Griffith, Montgomery Botancal Center

Executive Director


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How to Cite

Calonje, M., Kay, J., & Griffith, M. P. (2011). Propagation of Cycad Collections from Seed: Applied Reproductive Biology for Conservation. Sibbaldia: The International Journal of Botanic Garden Horticulture, (9), 79–96.




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