Notes relating to the Flora of Bhutan: XXIV. Juncaceae


  • H. J. Noltie



The following new taxa, combinations and synonymy in the genus Juncus from E Himalaya and SW China are proposed: J. bryophilus Noltie sp. nov.; J. spumosus Noltie sp. nov.; J. glaucoturgidus Noltie sp. nov.; J. hydrophilus Noltie sp. nov.; J. longiflorus (A. Camus) Noltie comb. & stat. nov.; J. duthiei (C.B. Clarke) Noltie comb. nov. of which the following are synonyms: J. rohtangensis Aswal & Goel, J. sikkimensis Hook.f. var. monocephalus Hook.f. and J. harae Miyam. & H. Ohba; J. bhutanensis Satake is reduced to synonymy of J leucomelas Royle ex D. Don, J. pseudocastaneus (Lingelsh.) Sam. to that of J. sikkimensis; J. tratangensis Satake to that of J. ochraceus Buchenau, J. unifolius A.M. Lu & Z.Y. Zhang to that of J. minimus Buchenau; J. phaeocarpus A.M. Lu & Z.Y. Zhang to that of J. grisebachii Buchenau; J. longibracteatus A.M. Lu & Z.Y. Zhang to that of J. kingii Rendle; J. luteocarpus Satake, the illegitimate J. albescens Satake and J. yoskisukei Goel to that of J. concinnus D. Don and J. bracteatus Buchenau to that of, J. benghalensis Kunth.J. perpusillus Sam. is reported new to Sikkim and Nepal; J. amplifolius A. Camus new to Bhutan, Sikkim and Nepal; J. trichophyllus W.W. Sm. new to Nepal and Bhutan; J. nepalicus Miyam. & H. Ohba new to Sikkim. J. uniflorus W.W. Sm. is lectotypified. Notes on J. spectabilis Rendle and J. biglumoides Hara are given.






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